Sunday, November 16, 2008

Well...Now what?

I have had the most difficult time deciding where to go on my blog, now that the election is over. Luckily, this week I had a phenomenal, life changing experience. This week I had my first sugar free Red Bull energy drink. To that end, I have to ask, "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN ALL MY LIFE?!?!?!" Seriously, people. Why hasn't anyone told me how awesome these little cans of divinity are? I was not only energized, but they made me focus to a degree I didn't know was possible. Also, it didn't make me unbearably talkative, which is something all the other energy drinks I've ever tried, have done. The first Rockstar I ever had, literally made me talk non-stop from Spring Valley to the Las Vegas Motor Speedway during rush hour. Poor Lacey. Anyway, I'm off to get my Red Bull fix, then I think I'll move a mountain or two! Happy Sunday!


*amandajae* said...

i cant even imagine you on redbull!! yes i have found my calling in rescueing animals :) mimi tried to eat him, the cats havent had the opportunity to get close enough but they hear him thru the door and try to run in when i go into my they are probably just pissed that they cant go and investigate what is goin on :)

Jen said...

I have tagged/awarded you on my blog, so when your mountains are moved you may attend to that if you like.