Monday, September 8, 2008

It's all fun and games...

Most of the time, I consider myself a fairly even keeled, generous, “live and let live” kind of gal. So, what is it about a board game that brings out the cut throat, “must win at all costs” chick that lives somewhere in the dank, dark recesses of me? Her most recent appearance was over a game of “Scrabble”, preceded briefly by a game of “Smart Mouth.” It all starts out innocently enough, with lots of “Great word, Mike!” and “Good job, Bre.” One “great word” too many, though, and voila…out comes scary, must win girl! So the next time you decide you should trust the “live and let live” person checking the dictionary on the word she just challenged you on, just remember, it’s very difficult to tell the difference between her and her evil twin who only appears in an attempt to crush your will to spell. Scrabble anyone???


*amandajae* said...

hahahaha marc did the same thing just monday night!! me jen and him were playing rummy and when he lost we were automatically cheating and didnt give him all the rules and blah blah blah!! :) it was funny!!

Holly said...

You probably were...... hahahaha

*amandajae* said...

i am not amused by your accusations!! :P

Jen said...

Speed scrabble is my all time favorite! I wasted entirely too much time one day on the facebook word challenge game.